大英儿童百科全书Britannica Discovery Library的认知系列(pdf+mp3)(1) 百度网盘(228.13M)

课程文件目录:大英儿童百科全书Britannica Discovery Library的认知系列(pdf+mp3)(1)[228.13M]

britannica discovery library-01-the me book [14.46M]

01-_+01+me+01.mp3 [4.20M]

02-_+01+me+02.mp3 [4.99M]

03-_+01+me+03.mp3 [3.45M]

bdl-01-me.pdf [1.83M]

britannica discovery library-02-me and you [12.41M]

02 me and you 01.mp3 [3.64M]

02 me and you 02.mp3 [3.67M]

02 me and you 03.mp3 [3.46M]

bdl-02-me and you.pdf [1.65M]

britannica discovery library-03-people and places [23.42M]

03 people and places 01.mp3 [4.28M]

03 people and places 02.mp3 [4.03M]

03 people and places 03.mp3 [3.99M]

03 people and places 04.mp3 [3.39M]

03 people and places 05.mp3 [3.30M]

bdl-03-people and places.pdf [4.43M]

britannica discovery library-04-the world around us [19.35M]

04 the world around us 01.mp3 [5.24M]

04 the world around us 02.mp3 [4.77M]

04 the world around us 03.mp3 [5.21M]

bdl-04-the world around us.pdf [4.13M]

britannica discovery library-05-animals [32.08M]

05 animals 01.mp3 [5.57M]

05 animals 02(1).mp3 [5.86M]

05 animals 02.mp3 [5.86M]

05 animals 03.mp3 [6.50M]

05 animals 04.mp3 [3.90M]

bdl-05-animals.pdf [4.38M]

britannica discovery library-06-colors [13.11M]

06 colours 01.mp3 [3.71M]

06 colours 02.mp3 [3.67M]

06 colours 03.mp3 [3.95M]

bdl-06-colors.pdf [1.78M]

britannica discovery library-07-shapes [10.59M]

07 shapes 01.mp3 [4.10M]

07 shapes 02.mp3 [3.60M]

07 shapes 03.mp3 [1.47M]

bdl-07-shapes.pdf [1.42M]

britannica discovery library-08-sounds [11.01M]

08 sounds 01.mp3 [3.50M]

08 sounds 02.mp3 [2.97M]

08 sounds 03.mp3 [3.03M]

bdl-08-sounds.pdf [1.51M]

britannica discovery library-09-words [25.30M]

09 words 01.mp3 [5.48M]

09 words 02.mp3 [4.88M]

09 words 03.mp3 [4.57M]

09 words 04.mp3 [4.76M]

09 words 05.mp3 [2.32M]

bdl-09-words.pdf [3.29M]

britannica discovery library-10-numbers [31.70M]

10 numbers 01.mp3 [5.20M]

10 numbers 02.mp3 [4.74M]

10 numbers 03.mp3 [5.55M]

10 numbers 04.mp3 [4.95M]

10 numbers 05.mp3 [5.15M]

10 numbers 06.mp3 [2.21M]

bdl-10-numbers.pdf [3.90M]

britannica discovery library-11-time [12.96M]

11 time 01.mp3 [3.78M]

11 time 02.mp3 [3.99M]

11 time 03.mp3 [3.54M]

bdl-11-time.pdf [1.64M]

britannica discovery library-12-just for fun [21.73M]

01-_ 12 just for fun 01.mp3 [4.97M]

02-_ 12 just for fun 02.mp3 [4.16M]

03-_ 12 just for fun 03.mp3 [4.64M]

04-_ 12 just for fun 04.mp3 [5.88M]

bdl-12-just for fun.pdf [2.09M]



  • 普通用户下载价格 : 9.8学币
  • SVIP会员下载价格 : 0学币
  • 最近更新2023年12月30日
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