【Black cat黑猫出版社】全系列 百度网盘(5.96G)

【Black cat黑猫出版社】全系列 百度网盘(5.96G)

【Black cat黑猫出版社】全系列 百度网盘(5.96G)

课程文件目录:【Black cat黑猫出版社】全系列[5.96G]

black cat黑猫系列名著读本全套6级(64本+音频) [4.13G]

第1级pdf [362.00M]

【1】1 peter pan 彼得.潘.pdf [13.45M]

【1】10 halloween horror 万圣节奇遇记.pdf [13.31M]

【1】11 the adventures of tom sawyer 汤姆·索亚历险记.pdf [20.25M]

【1】12 the adventures of huckleberry 哈克贝利·费恩历险记.pdf [24.92M]

【1】13 the wonderful wizard of oz 绿野仙踪.pdf [26.96M]

【1】14 the secret of the stones 石头的秘密.pdf [15.55M]

【1】15 the wind in the willows 柳林风声.pdf [16.05M]

【1】16 the black arrow 黑箭.pdf [19.45M]

【1】17 around the world in eighty days 八十天环游世界.pdf [26.42M]

【1】18 little women 小妇人.pdf [22.56M]

【1】19 beauty and the beast 美女与野兽.pdf [18.25M]

【1】2 zorro 蒙面侠佐罗.pdf [12.99M]

【1】20 black beauty 黑骏马.pdf [18.74M]

【1】3 american folk tales 美国传奇故事.pdf [17.18M]

【1】4 davy crockett 美国英雄.pdf [13.91M]

【1】5 the true story of pocahontas 风中奇缘.pdf [14.97M]

【1】6 great expectations 远大前程.pdf [23.15M]

【1】7 rip van winkle and the legend of sleepy hollow 睡谷传奇.pdf [15.34M]

【1】8 the happy prince and the selfish giant 快乐王子与自私的巨人.pdf [13.91M]

【1】9 the american west 美国西部探险.pdf [14.63M]

第2级 pdf+音频 [698.89M]

【2】1.british.and.american.festivit.乐体验洋节日.pdf [25.21M]

【2】1+british+and+american+festivities+….zip [68.39M]

【2】10 ghastly ghosts 鬼魅传奇.pdf [15.13M]

【2】10+ghastly+ghosts+鬼魅传奇.mp3.rar [45.06M]

【2】2.king.arthur.and.his.knights.亚瑟王与圆桌骑士.pdf [16.74M]

【2】2+king+arthur+and+his+knights+亚瑟….zip [31.76M]

【2】3.oliver.twist.雾都孤儿.pdf [22.84M]

【2】3+oliver+twist+雾都孤儿+mp3.zip [51.40M]

【2】4.the.jumping.frog.卡城名蛙.pdf [21.37M]

【2】4+the+jumping+frog+卡城名蛙+mp3.zip [31.94M]

【2】5.robin.hood.罗宾汉.pdf [22.64M]

【2】5+robin+hood+罗宾汉+mp3.zip [34.86M]

【2】6 the call of the wild 野性的呼唤.pdf [31.71M]

【2】6+the+call+of+the+wild+野性的呼唤.m….rar [51.01M]

【2】7 the fisherman and his soul 渔夫和他的灵魂.pdf [29.12M]

【2】7+the+fisherman+and+his+soul+渔夫和….rar [51.34M]

【2】8 david copperfield 大卫·科波菲尔.pdf [20.82M]

【2】8+david+copperfield+大卫·科波菲尔…..zip [42.19M]

【2】9 animal tales 动物故事.pdf [22.49M]

【2】9+animal+tales+动物故事.mp3.rar [62.87M]

第3级 pdf+音频 [307.87M]

【3】1 great english monarchs and their times 昔日的英国王室 mp3.zip [70.70M]

【3】1.great.english.monarchs.and.th.日的英国王室.pdf [9.07M]

【3】2 alic’s adventures in wonderland 艾丽丝漫游奇境记 mp3.zip [60.90M]

【3】2 alic’s adventures in wonderland 艾丽丝漫游奇境记.pdf [9.15M]

【3】3 oscar wilde’s short stories 王尔德短篇故事 mp3.zip [62.82M]

【3】3.oscar.wilde’s.short.stories.王尔德短篇故事.pdf [7.94M]

【3】4 hamlet 王子复仇记 mp3.zip [33.03M]

【3】4.hamlet.王子复仇记.pdf [8.05M]

【3】5 the secret garden 秘密花园 mp3.zip [39.28M]

【3】5.the.secret.garden.秘密花园.pdf [6.94M]

第4级 pdf+音频 [676.84M]

【4】1 the £1,000,000 bank note 百万英镑 mp3.zip [41.46M]

【4】1.the.1,000,000.bank.note.百万英镑.pdf [7.18M]

【4】10 treasure island 金银岛 mp3.zip [72.31M]

【4】10 treasure island 金银岛.pdf [8.86M]

【4】2 jane eyre 简·爱 mp3.zip [60.16M]

【4】2.jane.eyre.简·爱.pdf [9.48M]

【4】3 sherlock holmes investigates 福尔摩斯探案记 mp3.zip [61.67M]

【4】3.sherlock.holmes.investigates.福尔摩斯探案记.pdf [10.85M]

【4】4 gulliver’s travel 格利佛游记 mp3.zip [53.72M]

【4】4.gulliver’s.travel.格利佛游记.pdf [8.15M]

【4】5 the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde 化身博士 mp3.zip [63.46M]

【4】5.the.strange.case.of.dr.jekyll.yde.化身博士.pdf [7.71M]

【4】6 classic detective stories 经典侦探故事 mp3.zip [67.31M]

【4】6.classic.detective.stories.经典侦探故事.pdf [10.79M]

【4】7 the phantom of the opera 歌声魅影 mp3.zip [67.36M]

【4】7.the.phantom.of.the.opera.歌声魅影.pdf [9.84M]

【4】8 alien at school 校园的天外来客 mp3.zip [46.46M]

【4】8.alien.at.school.校园的天外来客.pdf [6.45M]

【4】9 romeo and juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶 mp3.zip [55.13M]

【4】9 romeo and juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶.pdf [8.48M]

第5级 pdf+音频 [718.66M]

【5】1.a.christmas.carol.小气财神.pdf [8.32M]

【5】1+a+christmas+carol+小气财神+mp3.zip [55.58M]

【5】10.the.big.mistake.and.qther.st.当代悬疑故事.pdf [8.92M]

【5】10+the+big+mistake+and+qther+storie….zip [47.12M]

【5】2.the.tragedy.of.dr.faustus.浮士德的悲剧.pdf [10.37M]

【5】2+the+tragedy+of+dr+faustus+浮士德….zip [71.83M]

【5】3.washington.square.华盛顿广场.pdf [11.85M]

【5】3+washington+square+华盛顿广场+mp3.zip [70.96M]

【5】4.a.midsummer.night’s.dream.pdf [7.43M]

【5】4+a+midsummer+night&_39;s+dream+仲夏夜….zip [56.68M]

【5】5.american.horror.爱伦.坡恐怖故事.pdf [8.27M]

【5】5+american+horror+爱伦.坡恐怖故事+m….zip [31.93M]

【5】6.much.ado.about.nothing.无事生非.pdf [10.70M]

【5】6+much+ado+about+nothing+无事生非+m….zip [71.59M]

【5】7.the.canterbury.tales.坎特伯雷故事.pdf [9.09M]

【5】7+the+canterbury+tales+坎特伯雷故事….zip [71.65M]

【5】8.dracula.吸血伯爵.pdf [10.21M]

【5】8+dracula+吸血伯爵+mp3.zip [72.72M]

【5】9.the.last.of.the.mohicans.最后的莫希干人.pdf [11.14M]

【5】9+the+last+of+the+mohicans+最后的莫….zip [72.28M]

第6级 pdf+音频 [674.55M]

【6】1.frankenstein.科学怪人.pdf [10.77M]

【6】1+frankenstein+科学怪人+mp3.zip [68.79M]

【6】2.pride.and.prejudice.傲慢与偏见.pdf [23.26M]

【6】2+pride+and+prejudice+傲慢与偏见+mp….zip [67.87M]

【6】3.robinson.crusoe.鲁滨逊漂流记.pdf [11.14M]

【6】3+robinson+crusoe+鲁滨逊漂流记+mp3.zip [62.72M]

【6】4.a.tale.of.two.cities.双城记.pdf [13.49M]

【6】4+a+tale+of+two+cities+双城记+mp3.zip [69.13M]

【6】5 the problems of cell 13 十三号死刑牢房.pdf [7.56M]

【6】5+the+problems+of+cell+13+十三号死….rar [51.28M]

【6】6 the murders in the run morgue and the purloined letter 莫尔格街凶杀案.pdf [9.09M]

【6】6+the+murders+in+the+run+morgue+and….rar [41.49M]

【6】7 tess of the d’urbervilles 德伯家的苔丝.pdf [13.80M]

【6】7+tess+of+the+d&_39;urbervilles+德伯家….rar [67.77M]

【6】8 emma 爱玛.pdf [11.35M]

【6】8+emma+爱玛.mp3.rar [70.73M]

【6】9 the scarlet letter 红字.pdf [13.01M]

【6】9+the+scarlet+letter+红字.mp3.rar [61.31M]

黑猫 black cat 第1级mp3.rar [788.59M]

early read无文本 [209.04M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.3).bugaboo.the.wicked.witch.pdf [10.04M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.3).cinderella.pdf [7.52M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.3).monster.in.the.box.pdf [8.66M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.3).the.jungle.book.pdf [7.73M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.3).the.little.mermaid.pdf [9.35M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.4).aesop’s.fables.pdf [14.24M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.4).christmas.fun.pdf [11.09M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.4).dracula.and.his.family.pdf [9.63M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.4).festivals!.pdf [10.52M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.4).frankenstein.at.school.pdf [10.77M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.4).freddy.finds.the.thief.pdf [8.10M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.4).puss.in.boots.pdf [8.13M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.4).sleeping.beauty.pdf [12.00M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.4).space.monsters.pdf [8.91M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.4).the magic computer mouse.pdf [3.79M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.5).aladdin.pdf [10.70M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.5).ali.baba.and.the.forty.thieves.pdf [9.97M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.5).nasreddin.ten.stories.pdf [8.82M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.5).snow.white.and.the.seven.dwarfs.pdf [10.17M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.5).the.canterville.ghost.pdf [10.37M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.5).two.monsters.pdf [9.59M]

【全彩扫描pdf】【earlyreads】(level.5).zed.the.magician.pdf [8.96M]

earlyreads黑猫mp3 [50.02M]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level 1) a trip to the safari park [6.10M]

safari_park_audio.mp3 [6.10M]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level 1) dorothy [4.28M]

dorothy.mp3 [4.28M]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level.3).bugaboo.the.wicked.witch [9.02M]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level 3) bugaboo the wicked witch [9.02M]

track 01.mp3 [9.02M]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level.3).the.little.mermaid [10.63M]

the_little_mermaid.mp3 [10.63M]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level.4).aesop’s.fables [30.50K]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level 4) aesop’s fables [30.50K]

aesop_fables.doc [30.50K]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level.5).aladdin [47.00K]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level 5) aladdin [47.00K]

aladdin.doc [47.00K]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level.5).two.monsters [7.42M]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level 5) two monsters [7.42M]

track 02.mp3 [7.42M]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level.5).zed.the.magician [623.72K]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level 5) zed the magician [623.72K]

track 01.mp3 [623.72K]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level.5)snow.white.and.the.seven.dwarfs [11.88M]

【全文录音mp3】【earlyreads】(level.5)snow.white.and.the.seven.dwarfs.mp3 [11.88M]

reading and training黑猫英语系列(48个音频) [1.45G]

reading and training黑猫英语系列 [1.45G]

1 [408.92M]

home_for_christmas [56.14M]

home for christmas [42.16M]

track 01.mp3 [637.61K]

track 02.mp3 [5.47M]

track 03.mp3 [1.14M]

track 04.mp3 [4.12M]

track 05.mp3 [983.33K]

track 06.mp3 [4.82M]

track 07.mp3 [827.82K]

track 08.mp3 [3.47M]

track 09.mp3 [3.72M]

track 10.mp3 [1.30M]

track 11.mp3 [3.22M]

track 12.mp3 [3.96M]

track 13.mp3 [2.80M]

track 14.mp3 [4.23M]

track 15.mp3 [1.52M]

alien_alert_in_seattle.pdf [14.20M]

alien_alert_in_seattle.rar [45.89M]

home_for_christmas.pdf [13.98M]

miami_police_file_the_o____nell_case.rar [40.41M]

miami_police_file_the_o__nell_case.pdf [13.74M]

missing_in_sydney.pdf [9.66M]

missing_in_sydney.rar [40.22M]

sherlock_holmes_stories.pdf [14.91M]

sherlock_holmes_stories.rar [50.33M]

tales_from_the_thousand_and_one_nights.pdf [15.96M]

tales_from_the_thousand_and_one_nights.rar [51.62M]

tristan_and_isolde.pdf [14.98M]

tristan_and_isolde.rar [40.85M]

2 [250.66M]

a_dream_come_true.rar [12.43M]

kidnapped.rar [12.28M]

level_2.rar [97.55M]

magical_tales_from_the_south_seas.rar [16.43M]

murder_at_coyote_canyon.rar [12.39M]

stories_of_ghosts_and_mystery.rar [12.15M]

the_fisherman_and_his_soul.rar [19.62M]

the_lost_world.rar [21.14M]

the_mutiny_on_the_bounty.rar [18.41M]

the_rajah’s_diamond.rar [18.79M]

the_ransom_of_red_chief_and_other_stories.rar [9.47M]

3 [252.62M]

great_mysteries_of_our_world.rar [13.51M]

kim.rar [16.62M]

lord_arthur_savile’s_crime_and_other_stories.rar [13.03M]

moonfleet.rar [16.74M]

reading_and_traing_(step_3)_10pdf.rar [72.59M]

stories_of_suspense.rar [10.98M]

tales_of_the_supernatural.rar [14.72M]

the_diamond_as_big_as_the_ritz.rar [48.19M]

the_hound_of_the_baskervilles.rar [14.43M]

the_prisoner_of_zenda.rar [14.31M]

three_men_in_a_boat.rar [17.51M]

4 [207.97M]

a_study_in_scarlet.rar [13.40M]

beowulf.rar [14.39M]

daisy_miller.rar [13.07M]

famous_british_criminals.rar [15.16M]

level_4.rar [84.19M]

moby_dick.rar [16.61M]

the_sign_of_four.rar [17.62M]

the_valley_of_fear.rar [16.93M]

the_woman_in_white_(the).rar [16.59M]

5 [142.10M]

heart_of_darkness.rar [14.53M]

level_5.rar [61.13M]

middlemarch.rar [17.54M]

persuasion.rar [16.96M]

the_age_of_innocence.rar [14.80M]

the_picture_of_dorian_gray.rar [17.15M]

6 [218.62M]

level_6.rar [31.33M]

silas_marner.zip [58.98M]

the_mill_on_the_floss.zip [64.15M]

wuthering_heights.zip [64.16M]

推荐初级素材 earlyreads系列29本48-128k [140.30M]

(level 1) a trip to the safari park.doc [33.00K]

(level 1) a trip to the safari park.pdf [3.67M]

(level 1) dorothy.doc [30.50K]

(level 1) dorothy.pdf [4.13M]

(level 1) the enormous turnip.doc [30.50K]

(level 1) the enormous turnip.pdf [3.45M]

(level 1) the ugly duckling.doc [34.00K]

(level 1) the ugly duckling.pdf [5.22M]

(level 2) little red riding hood.doc [25.50K]

(level 2) little red riding hood.pdf [4.16M]

(level 2) mowgli learns to swim.doc [30.50K]

(level 2) mowgli learns to swim.pdf [4.08M]

(level 2) the mad teacher.doc [25.50K]

(level 2) the mad teacher.pdf [4.82M]

(level 3) bugaboo the wicked witch.doc [38.00K]

(level 3) bugaboo the wicked witch.pdf [4.82M]

(level 3) cinderella.doc [40.50K]

(level 3) cinderella.pdf [4.70M]

(level 3) monster in the box.doc [34.00K]

(level 3) monster in the box.pdf [4.19M]

(level 3) the jungle book.doc [41.00K]

(level 3) the jungle book.pdf [3.87M]

(level 3) the little mermaid.doc [34.00K]

(level 3) the little mermaid.pdf [4.34M]

(level 4) aesop’s fables.doc [37.50K]

(level 4) aesop’s fables.pdf [6.68M]

(level 4) christmas fun.pdf [5.63M]

(level 4) dracula and his family.doc [47.50K]

(level 4) dracula and his family.pdf [5.43M]

(level 4) festivals!.pdf [5.73M]

(level 4) frankenstein at school.doc [41.50K]

(level 4) frankenstein at school.pdf [5.97M]

(level 4) freddy finds the thief.doc [41.50K]

(level 4) freddy finds the thief.pdf [4.45M]

(level 4) puss in boots.doc [35.00K]

(level 4) puss in boots.pdf [3.91M]

(level 4) sleeping beauty.doc [36.50K]

(level 4) sleeping beauty.pdf [6.15M]

(level 4) space monsters.doc [35.50K]

(level 4) space monsters.pdf [4.75M]

(level 4) the magic computer mouse.doc [41.50K]

(level 4) the magic computer mouse.pdf [3.79M]

(level 5) aladdin.doc [41.50K]

(level 5) aladdin.pdf [5.32M]

(level 5) ali baba and the forty thieves.doc [44.00K]

(level 5) ali baba and the forty thieves.pdf [4.79M]

(level 5) nasreddin ten stories.doc [44.50K]

(level 5) nasreddin ten stories.pdf [4.55M]

(level 5) snow white and the seven dwarfs.doc [45.00K]

(level 5) snow white and the seven dwarfs.pdf [4.82M]

(level 5) the canterville ghost.doc [58.00K]

(level 5) the canterville ghost.pdf [5.57M]

(level 5) two monsters.doc [36.00K]

(level 5) two monsters.pdf [5.25M]

(level 5) zed the magician.doc [49.50K]

(level 5) zed the magician.pdf [4.65M]

意大利黑猫出版社earlyreads系列使用指南.pdf [408.15K]



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  • 最近更新2024年02月22日
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我爱考试网 » 【Black cat黑猫出版社】全系列 百度网盘(5.96G)
